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Group Contraction and Deformation

"Lie-type deformations provide a systematic way of generalising the symmetries of modern physics."

"Contractions are important in physics because they explain in terms of Lie algebras why some theories arise as a limit regime of more ‘exact’ theories."

On Deformations and Contractions of Lie Algebras by A. Fialowski and M. de Montigny

"From a physical point of view, ‘contractions’ can be thought of as ‘limits’ of Lie groups as some parameter approaches a specified value. The easiest example is what might be called the ‘Columbus contraction’, in which the parameter of interest is the radius of a spherical Earth. For any value of the radius, the group of symmetries is the rotation group SO(3), but if radius becomes infinite, the group suddenly becomes the Euclidean group of the plane, ISO(2)."

"deformations play a role whenever one tries to find generalisations, extensions, or “perturbations” of a given physical theory or setup. […] the passage from Newtonian mechanics to special relativity or from classical to quantum mechanics can be understood as a deformation of the underlying algebraic structures."

"The mechanism which is at work, according to well established results of QFT, goes under the general name of spontaneous breakdown of symmetry and involves the physical phenomena of the Bose condensation and the mathematical structure of the (Ïnonü–Wigner) group contraction" from Group Contraction in Quantum Field Theory by Giuseppe Vitiello

advanced_tools/group_theory/group_contraction.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/11 16:23 by jakobadmin