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Advanced Tools

Although this is a wiki about physics, we have, of course, lots of pages about mathematics. Mathematics is the "language of nature" and physics isn't possible without it. However, in contrast to the usual Wikipedia pages about math topics, our approach can be summarized as follows: "Mathematics is a toolbox and we pick only those tools that are useful in physics". Especially, this means that for every mathematical concept explained here, there is a "Why is it useful" section that explains where and how the concept is useful in physics.

Physics is not mathematics, just as mathematics is not physics. Somehow nature chooses only a subset of the very beautiful and complex and intricate mathematics that mathematicians develop, and that precise subset is what the theoretical physicist is trying to look for.

C.N. Yang

Physics doesn’t simply borrow the language from mathematics, but manipulates it, adapts it, and reinvents it according to the needs for a description of physical reality. The magic about physics is transforming the pure logic of mathematics into a beautiful narrative about nature. A poet couldn’t write poetry without a language, but language is not sufficient to make poetry. The same happens in science: mathematics is the language, but it takes physics to do poetry.

  • One of the best books to get familiar with many of the most important advanced tools is "Geometrical methods of mathematical physics" by Bernard F. Schutz
  • Also: Differential Geometry, Gauge Theories, and Gravity M. Göckeler, T. Schücker is a good read
  • Further recommended texts to accompany these:
    1. Geometry of Physics, Frankel
    2. Intro to Lie Algebras & Rep. Th., Humphreys
    3. Geometry, Topology,& Physics, Nakahara (another useful survey)
    4. Spin Geometry, Lawson & Michelson
advanced_tools.1509108992.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/12/04 08:01 (external edit)