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Quantum Chromodynamics


Explanations in this section should contain no formulas, but instead colloquial things like you would hear them during a coffee break or at a cocktail party.


The best resource for the correct Feynman rules of QCD is A resource for signs and Feynman diagrams of the Standard Model by Jorge C. Romao. The thing is that there are many different conventions and these authors develop a notation that allows us to map them all onto each other.

  • The Black Book of Quantum Chromodynamics by John Campbell, Joey Huston, and Frank Krauss

Why is it interesting?

Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the best theory of strong interactions that we have. Strong interactions is another name for one of the four fundamental forces that know. (The others are: the weak force, the electric force and gravity).

It's a crucial part of the standard model and describes accurately how, for example, quarks interact with each other.

models/standard_model/qcd.1525513960.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/05 09:52 (external edit)