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While the whole idea of this travel guide to physics is that physics is best learned in a self-directed manner, a little guidance is never harmful. Especially, because it happens often that beginner students get lost and can't see the forest for the trees.

For this reason, we collect here roadmaps. These are rough guides that explain which topics and resources are essential to understand a given topic and outline possible ways to tackle to subject.

There is no perfect roadmap that is a good fit for everyone. Therefore it's crucial that everyone finds a roadmap which matches his/her style.

Subject Roadmap
General How to become a good theoretical physicist by Gerard 't Hooft
Quantum Field Theory banks_qft
Quantum Mechanics maimon_qm
How to get started learning QFT as an undergraduate” by Flip Tanedo
resources/roadmaps.1512374469.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/12/04 08:01 (external edit)