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Why is it interesting?

Gerbes show up when we try to invent a kind of "higher gauge theory" that describes how not just point particles but 1-dimensional objects transform when you move them around. For example, the strings in string theory, or the loops in loop quantum gravity.


Explanations in this section should contain no formulas, but instead colloquial things like you would hear them during a coffee break or at a cocktail party.


Gerbes are generalization of principal bundles.

As we've seen, a connection describes how a point particle transforms when you carry it along a path:

x--------->-------y     a path f from the point x to the point y:
                                we write this as f: x → y

Now we need a gadget that'll describe how a path transforms when you carry it along a path of paths:

 /        ||       \
x         ||F       y   a path-of-paths F from the path f to the path g:
 \        \/       /            we write this as F: f => g

To do this, we need to boost our level of thinking a notch, working not with "G-torsors" and "principal G-bundles" but instead with "G-2-torsors" and "G-gerbes". Here's how it goes:

We start by picking an abelian group G and a manifold X.

Then we pick a "G-gerbe" over X, say P.

What's that? It's a thing that assigns to each point x of X a "G-2-torsor", say P(x).

What's that? Well, it's a thing where if you pick two points in it, you get a G-torsor describing their difference!

Get it? This is the beginning of a story that goes on forever:

Two points in a G-torsor determine an element of G; two points in a G-2-torsor determine a G-torsor; two points in a G-3-torsor determine a G-2-torsor;


The motto in this section is: the higher the level of abstraction, the better.





advanced_tools/gerbes.1510061827.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/12/04 08:01 (external edit)