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Borel Summation

Why is it interesting?


Explanations in this section should contain no formulas, but instead colloquial things like you would hear them during a coffee break or at a cocktail party.


In this section things should be explained by analogy and with pictures and, if necessary, some formulas.

For a nice discussion, see section 11.4 in Rajaramans "Solitons and Instantons" and page 6 in


Why isn't the Borel transformation applicable in QCD?
See section 20.7 in Weinberg's QFT book Vol. 2.

" In quantum chromodynamics it is the renormalons that obstruct the use of the Borel transformation to sum the perturbation series […] [T]here are instanton solutions in non Abelian gauge theories like quantum chromodynamics, but these also yield relatively harmless singularities of $B(z)$ on the negative real axis. the real problem in quantum chromodynamics is with a different class of singularities, known as renormalons. "

(Renormalons are due to the running of the gauge couplings and originate in diagrams that yield contributions that grow like $n!$. According to Weinberg, they are "associated with terms in the operator product expansion".)

The motto in this section is: the higher the level of abstraction, the better.
Common Question 1
Common Question 2




advanced_tools/borel_summation.1497279205.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/12/04 08:01 (external edit)