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advanced_tools:group_theory:lorentz_group [2017/12/17 17:26]
jakobadmin created
advanced_tools:group_theory:lorentz_group [2022/09/18 03:12]
edi [Abstract]
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-====== ​Representations of the Lorentz ​group ======+<WRAP lag> ​ $SO(3,​1)$</​WRAP>​ 
 +====== Lorentz ​Group ======
-<tabbox Why is it interesting?> ​ 
-Understanding the representations is crucial for the standard model, because these representations are the tools that we need to describe [[advanced_notions:​elementary_particles|elementary particles]]. ​ 
-<​tabbox ​Layman+<​tabbox ​Intuitive
-<note tip> +For perfect intuitive introduction to the Lorentz group, see [[https://​​v=Rh0pYtQG5wI|this video by minutephyiscs]].
-Explanations in this section should contain no formulas, but instead colloquial things like you would hear them during ​coffee break or at a cocktail party. +
   ​   ​
-<​tabbox ​Student+<​tabbox ​Concrete 
 +**Definition of the Lorentz transformations** 
 +It follows from the postulates of [[models:​special_relativity|special relativity]] that 
 +$d s^2 = \eta^{\mu \nu} dx_\mu dx_\nu$ stays exactly the same in all inertial frames of reference:​ 
 +\begin{equation} ds'^2 = dx'​_\mu dx'​_\nu \eta^{\mu\nu} = ds^2 = dx_\mu dx_\nu \eta^{\mu\nu} \, ,​\end{equation} 
 +where $\eta^{\mu\nu}$ is the [[advanced_tools:​minkowski_metric|Minkowski metric]].  
 +We denote a generic transformation that takes us to another frame with $\Lambda$ and the transformed coordinates $dx_\mu'​$:​ 
 +\begin{equation} \label{eq:​lorentztrafo1} ​ dx_\mu \rightarrow dx'​_\mu=\Lambda^{ \  \sigma}_{\mu} dx_\sigma. \end{equation} 
 +Then we can write the invariance condition from above as: 
 +  (ds)^2 &= (ds'​)^2 ​ \notag \\ 
 +  \rightarrow ​  dx \cdot dx &​\stackrel{!}{=} dx' \cdot dx' ​ \notag \\ 
 +   ​\rightarrow ​ dx_\mu dx_\nu \eta^{\mu\nu} &​\stackrel{!}{=} dx'​_\mu dx'​_\nu \eta^{\mu\nu} \underbrace{=} \Lambda^{ \ \sigma}_{ \mu} dx_\sigma \Lambda^{ \ \gamma}_{ \nu} dx_\gamma \eta^{\mu\nu} \notag \\ 
 +  \underbrace{\rightarrow} dx_\mu dx_\nu \eta^{\mu\nu} &​\stackrel{!}{=} \Lambda^{ \ \mu}_{ \sigma} dx_\mu \Lambda^{ \ \nu}_{ \gamma} dx_\nu \eta^{\sigma\gamma} \notag \\ 
 +  \underbrace{\rightarrow}_{\text{Because the equation holds for  arbitrary } dx_\mu} \eta^{\mu\nu} ​ &​\stackrel{!}{=} ​ \Lambda^{ \ \mu}_{ \sigma} \eta^{\sigma \gamma} ​  ​\Lambda^{ \ \nu}_{ \gamma} 
 +Or written in matrix notation 
 +\begin{equation} \label{eq:​lorentztrafodefequation} \eta = \Lambda^T \eta \Lambda \end{equation} 
 +This is the condition that transformations $\Lambda$ which take us from one frame to another allowed frames of reference must fulfill. Such transformations are called Lorentz transformations and the equation can be taken as a definition of Lorentz transformations. Formulated differently,​ the Lorentz transformations are defined as all those transformations that leave the Minkowski metric unchanged.  
 +**Explicit form of the Lorentz transformations** 
 +First, we note that the rotation matrices of 3-dimensional Euclidean space that only act on space and not on time, fulfil the defining condition. This follows because the spatial part ($\mu=1,​2,​3$) of the Minkowski metric is proportional to the $3 \times 3$ identity matrix. Thus for transformations that only modify space, we get from the condition $\eta = \Lambda^T \eta \Lambda$ that 
 +\[-R^T I_{3 \times 3} R =- R^T R \stackrel{!}{=} -  I_{3 \times 3}  
 +\[\rightarrow R^T I_{3 \times 3} R =R^T R \stackrel{!}{=} ​  I_{3 \times 3} . 
 +This is exactly the defining condition of the group $O(3)$. Together with the condition 
 +\[ \det(\Lambda) \stackrel{!}{=} 1 
 +these are the defining conditions of the group $SO(3)$, which describes three-dimensional rotations. We conclude that one type of Lorentz transformation is given by 
 +\[ \Lambda_{\mathrm{rot }}= \begin{pmatrix} 1 &  \\ & R_{3 \times 3} \end{pmatrix} 
 +with the usual rotation matrices ​ $R_{3 \times 3}$: 
 +& & R_x(\phi) =  
 +1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \cos\phi & \sin\phi \\ 0 & -\sin\phi & \cos\phi 
 +\end{pmatrix} \label{eq:​rotx} \\ 
 +& & R_y(\psi) =  
 +\cos \psi & 0 & -\sin\psi \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \sin\psi & 0 & \cos\psi 
 +\end{pmatrix} \label{eq:​roty} \\ 
 +& & R_z(\theta) =  
 +\cos \theta & \sin \theta & 0 \\-\sin\theta & \cos\theta & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 
 +\end{pmatrix} \label{eq:​rotz} 
 +To investigate all other transformations which transform time //and// space we start, as usual in Lie theory, with an infinitesimal transformation 
 +\begin{equation} ​ \Lambda^{\mu}_{\rho} \approx \delta^{\mu}_{\rho}+ \epsilon K^{\mu}_{\rho}. \end{equation} 
 +We put this now into the defining condition $\eta = \Lambda^T \eta \Lambda$ and get 
 +\[\Lambda^{\mu}_{\rho} \eta_{\mu \nu} \Lambda^{\nu}_{\sigma} ​ \stackrel{!}{=} ​  ​\eta_{\rho \sigma} 
 +\[ \rightarrow ( \delta^{\mu}_{\rho}+ \epsilon K^{\mu}_{\rho} ) \eta_{\mu \nu} (\delta^{\nu}_{\sigma}+ \epsilon K^{\nu}_{\sigma}) ​ \stackrel{!}{=} ​  ​\eta_{\rho \sigma} ​  
 +\[ \rightarrow \eta_{\rho \sigma} + \epsilon K^{\mu}_{\rho}\eta_{\mu \sigma} + \epsilon K^{\nu}_{\sigma} \eta_{\rho \nu} + \underbrace{\epsilon^2 ​  ​K^{\mu}_{\rho}\eta_{\mu \nu}  K^{\nu}_{\sigma}}_{ \approx 0 \text{ because } \epsilon \text{ is infinitesimal }\rightarrow \epsilon^2 \approx 0} = \eta_{\rho \sigma} 
 +\begin{equation}\rightarrow ​ K^{\mu}_{\rho}\eta_{\mu \sigma} +  K^{\nu}_{\sigma} \eta_{\rho \nu} = 0     ​\end{equation} 
 +or in matrix notation 
 +\begin{equation} \label{eq:​boost4d} K^T \eta = - \eta K. \end{equation} 
 +A transformation that fulfill this equation is called a boost. A boost takes us from one frame to another frame that moves with a different velocity. Explcitly, such transformations can be described by 
 +\begin{equation} \Lambda_x =  \begin{pmatrix} 
 +  \cosh(\phi)&​i\sinh(\phi) ​ & 0 & 0\\ i\sinh(\phi)&​ \cosh(\phi) &0 &0 \\ 
 +  0&​0&​1&​0 \\ 0&​0&​0&​1 
 + ​\end{pmatrix} ​ \end{equation} 
 +\begin{equation} \Lambda_y =  \begin{pmatrix} 
 +  \cosh(\phi)&​ 0 & i\sinh(\phi) & 0\\ 0 & 1 &0 &​0 ​  \\ 
 +  i\sinh(\phi)&​ 0 &  \cosh(\phi) &​0 ​ \\ 0&​0&​0&​1 
 + ​\end{pmatrix} ​ \end{equation} 
 +\begin{equation} \label{eq:​boostexplicitz-direction} \Lambda_z =  \begin{pmatrix} 
 +  \cosh(\phi)&​0 ​ & 0 & i\sinh(\phi)\\ 0 &1 &0 &0 \\ 
 +  0&​0&​1&​0 \\ i\sinh(\phi)&​ 0 &0 &​\cosh(\phi) 
 + ​\end{pmatrix}. ​ \end{equation} 
 +<tabbox Abstract>​  
 +**Representations of the Lorentz group**
 At the heart of the representation theory of the Poincare group is the representation theory of the proper orthochronous Lorentz group $SO(1,​3)^{\uparrow}$. We can concentrate on this subset of the Lorentz group, because the Lorentz group can be decomposed as follows: At the heart of the representation theory of the Poincare group is the representation theory of the proper orthochronous Lorentz group $SO(1,​3)^{\uparrow}$. We can concentrate on this subset of the Lorentz group, because the Lorentz group can be decomposed as follows:
Line 39: Line 131:
 (**Source:​** page 42 in http://​​file/​electromagnetic-duality-for-children.pdf ) (**Source:​** page 42 in http://​​file/​electromagnetic-duality-for-children.pdf )
-=== Derivation of the Representations of the Lorentz Group ===+** Derivation of the Representations of the Lorentz Group**
-To derive the representations of $SO(3,1)$, we employ ​[[group_theory:​notions:​forms_of_a_lie_algebra|Weyl's unitary trick]]. This trick allows us to derive irreducible non-unitary representations of the Lorentz group, by starting with the known unitary representations of $SO(4)$. However this+To derive the representations of $SO(3,1)$, we employ Weyl's unitary trick. This trick allows us to derive irreducible non-unitary representations of the Lorentz group, by starting with the known unitary representations of $SO(4)$. However this
 >"//​works only for the finite or spin representations and for the Lorentz group these by no means exhaust all representations.//"​ from [[http://​​~mcdonald/​examples/​EP/​kemmer_rpp_22_368_59.pdf|INVARIANCE IN ELEMENTARY PARTICLE PHYSICS BY N . KEMMER et. al.]] >"//​works only for the finite or spin representations and for the Lorentz group these by no means exhaust all representations.//"​ from [[http://​​~mcdonald/​examples/​EP/​kemmer_rpp_22_368_59.pdf|INVARIANCE IN ELEMENTARY PARTICLE PHYSICS BY N . KEMMER et. al.]]
Line 105: Line 197:
  </​WRAP>​  </​WRAP>​
-  +----
-<tabbox Researcher> ​+
-<note tip> +**Graphical Summary**
-The motto in this section is: //the higher the level of abstraction,​ the better//. +
-   +The picture below shows the weight diagrams of some important representations of the (double cover of the) Lorentz group (right) and, for comparison, some representations of $SU(2)$ (left). For a more detailed explanation of this picture see [[https://​​|Fun with Symmetry]].
-<tabbox Examples> ​+
---> Example1#+[{{ :​advanced_tools:​group_theory:​representation_theory:​lorentz_irreps.jpg?​nolink }}]
-  +The following diagram illustrates the relationship between rotation (in 3D and 4D Euclidean space) and Lorentz transformation (in space-time). For a more detailed explanation of this diagram see [[https://​​|Fun with Symmetry]].
---> Example2:#+[{{ :advanced_tools:​group_theory:​representation_theory:​rotation_to_lorentz.jpg?​nolink }}]
-<​tabbox ​FAQ>  +<​tabbox ​Why is it interesting?​
-   +
-<tabbox History+
 +The Lorentz group is an important part of the fundamental spacetime symmetry group of the standard model, called the [[advanced_tools:​group_theory:​poincare_group|Poincare group]]. ​
 +It encodes the fact that physics should be the same in all frames of reference and additionally that the speed of light is the same in all such frames. ​
 +Understanding the representations is crucial for the standard model, because these representations are the tools that we need to describe [[advanced_notions:​elementary_particles|elementary particles]]. ​
 +  ​
 </​tabbox>​ </​tabbox>​
advanced_tools/group_theory/lorentz_group.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/20 19:32 by edi