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roadmaps:classical_qft [2018/03/26 11:16]
roadmaps:classical_qft [2018/03/26 11:16]
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 </​diagram>​ </​diagram>​
-**Recommended Textbooks** 
-  * Solitons and Instantons by Ramamurti Rajaraman - is the best introductory book on solitons and related topics 
-  * Topological Solitons by Manton and Sutcliff - is the second-best introductory book on solitons ​ 
-  * [[http://​​~haber/​ph218/​classicallumpsreview_Infanger.pdf|Classical lumps and their quantum descendants]] by Sidney Coleman - a "must read" lecture for anyone interested in solitons ​ 
-  * Classical Solutions in Quantum Field Theory: Solitons and Instantons by Erick Weinberg - contains several helpful chapters 
-  * Classical Theory of Gauge Fields by Rubakov - is great to dive deeper and contains many alternative perspectives that can't be found anywhere else. 
-  * Quarks, Leptons & Gauge Fields by Kerson Huang - contains several extremely helpful chapters regarding solitons etc.  
-  * Quantum Field Theory by Lewis H. Ryder - contains, like Huang'​s book - a particular nice chapter on solitons and instantons