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models:speculative_models:grand_unified_theories [2018/04/08 17:16]
models:speculative_models:grand_unified_theories [2018/05/22 14:23] (current)
jakobadmin [Criticism]
Line 124: Line 124:
 <​blockquote>​“People can construct models with higher symmetries and stand on their nose and try to avoid proton decay,” Nanopoulos said. “OK, you can do it, but … you cannot show it to your mother with a straight face.” https://​​20161215-proton-decay-grand-unification/</​blockquote>​ <​blockquote>​“People can construct models with higher symmetries and stand on their nose and try to avoid proton decay,” Nanopoulos said. “OK, you can do it, but … you cannot show it to your mother with a straight face.” https://​​20161215-proton-decay-grand-unification/</​blockquote>​
 +**Major Questions still unsolved in GUTs**
 +  * The Hierarchy Problem, i.e. why $M_W/​M_{GUT} <​10^{-12}$.
 +  * The strong CP problem.
 +  * The cosmological constant problem.
 +  * The absence of gravity.
 +  * The family repetition problem, i.e. why are there three families.
 +  * The fermion mass spectrum. ​
 +GUTs have nothing to say on these matters.
 ----- -----
models/speculative_models/grand_unified_theories.1523200570.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/08 15:16 (external edit)