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models:speculative_models:democracy [2018/01/22 15:22]
jakobadmin [Why is it interesting?]
models:speculative_models:democracy [2018/05/05 12:57] (current)
jakobadmin ↷ Page moved from open_problems:flavour_puzzle:democracy to models:speculative_models:democracy
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 ====== Flavor Democracy ====== ====== Flavor Democracy ======
-<tabbox Why is it interesting?> ​ 
-Flavor democracy is one of the most attractive approaches to explain the observed mass and mixing angles pattern of the standard model.  +<​tabbox ​Intuitive
- +
-It was already [[http://​​science/​article/​pii/​0370269378904859?​via%3Dihub|noted in 1978]] that a Yukawa matrix where all entries are the same, i.e. democratic, yields one important aspect of the flavor puzzle automatically:​ the heaviness of the third generation. In addition, adding a small perturbation to this democratic ansatz yields successfull relations between the masses and mixing angles.  +
- +
-In addition, there is a [[https://​​pdf/​hep-ph/​0505220.pdf|close relationship to the (in)famous Koide formula]] and other popular solutions of the flavor problem, [[http://​​science/​article/​pii/​0370269389906667?​via%3Dihub|called Fritzsch textures]].  +
-<​tabbox ​Layman+
 <note tip> <note tip>
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 </​note>​ </​note>​
   ​   ​
-<​tabbox ​Student+<​tabbox ​Concrete
-  * [[http://​​science/​article/​pii/​0370269378904859?​via%3Dihub|Original Paper: Quark masses and cabibbo ​angles]] by Haim Harari et. al.+  * [[http://​​science/​article/​pii/​0370269378904859?​via%3Dihub|Original Paper: Quark masses and Cabibbo ​angles]] by Haim Harari et. al.
   * Essential Review: [[http://​​science/​article/​pii/​S0146641011000068?​via%3Dihub|Mass and flavor mixing schemes of quarks and leptons]] by Harald Fritzsch, Zhi-zhong Xing   * Essential Review: [[http://​​science/​article/​pii/​S0146641011000068?​via%3Dihub|Mass and flavor mixing schemes of quarks and leptons]] by Harald Fritzsch, Zhi-zhong Xing
-<​tabbox ​Researcher+<​tabbox ​Abstract
-<note tip> +**Important Papers**
-The motto in this section is: //the higher the level of abstraction,​ the better//. +
 +  * [[http://​​science/​article/​pii/​037026939091205P|Flavour democracy and the lepton-quark hierarchy]] by H. Fritzsch and J.Plankl
 +  * H. Harari, H. Haut and J. Weyers, Phys. Letl. B 78 (1978) 459;
 +  * Y. Chikashige, G. Gelmini, R.D. Pcccei and M. Roncadelli, Phys. Lett. B 94 (1980) 499.
 +  * C. Jarlskog, in: Proc. Intern. Conf. on Production and decay of heavy hadrons (Heidelberg,​ 1986).
 +  * Y. Koide, Phys. Rev. D 28 (1983) 252; Phys. Left. B 120 (1983) 16l; preprints US-89-01 (1989), US-89-07 (1989).
 +  * H. Fritzsch, preprint MPI-PAE 22/88 ( 1988); Proc. XI. Warsaw Symp. on High energy physics (Kazimierz, Poland, 1988); preprint MP1-PAE/PTh 26/89.
 +  * L. Laoura, Phys. Lett. B 228 (1989) 245.
 +  * C.H. Albright and M. Lindner, preprint, FERMILAB-PUB-89/​17 T
   ​   ​
-<tabbox Examples> ​+   
 +**Possible Origins of the Democratic Yukawa Matrices**
---Example1#+  * [[http://​​science/​article/​pii/​0370269387901869|Specific breaking of chiral symmetries]] 
 +  * [[http://​​record/​23606/​|BCS like "​pairing forces"​]],​ see also [[http://​​science/​article/​pii/​0167278985901575|this paper by Nambu]] and especially the [[https://​​search?​ln=de&​p=find+a+kaus+and+a+meshkov&​of=hb&​action_search|papers by Meshkov and Kaus]].  
 +  * [[http://​​record/​23673/​|Radiative corrections involving heavy fermions]] 
 +<tabbox Why is it interesting?​
-  +Flavor democracy is one of the most attractive approaches to explain the observed mass and mixing angles pattern of the standard model. ​
---> Example2:#+It was already [[http://​​science/​article/​pii/​0370269378904859?​via%3Dihub|noted in 1978]] that a Yukawa matrix where all entries are the same, i.e. democratic, yields one important aspect of the flavor puzzle automatically:​ the heaviness of the third generation. In addition, adding a small perturbation to this democratic ansatz yields successfull relations between the masses and mixing angles. ​
-  +In addition, there is a [[https://​​pdf/​hep-ph/​0505220.pdf|close relationship to the (in)famous Koide formula]] and other popular solutions of the flavor problem, [[http://​​science/​article/​pii/​0370269389906667?​via%3Dihub|called Fritzsch textures]]. ​
- +
-<tabbox FAQ> ​+
   ​   ​
 <tabbox History> ​ <tabbox History> ​
 +The notion "​democratic family mixing"​ was introduced by 
 +C. Jarlskog in University of Stockholm Report No. 10, 1986
 </​tabbox>​ </​tabbox>​
models/speculative_models/democracy.1516630939.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/22 14:22 (external edit)