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$ G_{\mu \nu} = 8 \pi G T_{\mu \nu}$

Einstein Equation

see also general_relativity



The static limit of the Einstein equation is known as Newton's law.


The motto in this section is: the higher the level of abstraction, the better.

Why is it interesting?

The Einstein equation is the fundamental equation of general relativity. It describes how spacetime is curved through the presence of matter and energy.


On the right-hand side, Newton's gravitational constant $G$, the speed of light $c$ and the stress-energy tensor $T_{\mu \nu}$.

On the left-hand side, the Einstein tensor $G_{\mu \nu}$ is defined as a sum of the Ricci Tensor $R_{\mu\nu}$ and the trace of the Ricci tensor, called Ricci scalar $R =R_{\nu}^\nu$ \begin{equation} G_{\mu \nu} = R_{\mu\nu}-\frac{1}{2}Rg_{\mu \nu} \end{equation} where the Ricci Tensor $R_{\mu\nu}$ is defined in terms of the Christoffel symbols $\Gamma^\mu_{\nu \rho}$

\begin{equation} R_{\alpha\beta} = \partial_{\rho}{\Gamma^\rho_{\beta\alpha}} - \partial_{\beta}\Gamma^\rho_{\rho\alpha} + \Gamma^\rho_{\rho\lambda} \Gamma^\lambda_{\beta\alpha} - \Gamma^\rho_{\beta\lambda}\Gamma^\lambda_{\rho\alpha} \end{equation} and the Christoffel Symbols are defined in terms of the metric \begin{equation} \Gamma_{\alpha \beta \rho} =\frac12 \left(\frac{\partial g_{\alpha \beta}}{\partial x^\rho} + \frac{\partial g_{\alpha \rho}}{\partial x^\beta} - \frac{\partial g_{\beta \rho}}{\partial x^\alpha} \right) = \frac12\, \left(\partial_{\rho}g_{\alpha \beta} + \partial_{\beta}g_{\alpha \rho} - \partial_{\alpha}g_{\beta \rho}\right). \end{equation}

equations/einstein_equation.1522231677.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/28 10:07 (external edit)