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Central Extension

Why is it interesting?

Central extensions are a standard trick to convert projective representations of some group into true representations of another group.

This is necessary, because when we only consider the "naive" normal representations of a group like the Lorentz group, we miss an important representation (the spin $\frac{1}{2}$) representation). Thus, we can either use a less restrictive definition of a representation, i.e. use projective representations instead of true representations, or we could simply work with true representations of the central extension of the given group.

For example, the projective representations of $SO(3,1)$ correspond to regular representations of $SL(2,\mathbb{C})$.

"Central extensions play an important role in quantum mechanics: one of the earlier encounters is by means of Wigner’s theorem which states that a symmetry of a quantum mechanical system determines a (anti-) unitary transformation of the Hilbert space, which is unique up to a phase factor $e^{iϑ}$. As an immediate consequence of this phase factor, one deduces that given a quantum mechanical symmetry group $G$ there exists an extension $G_0$ of $G$ by $U(1)$ (the phase factors) which acts as a group of unitary transformations on the Hilbert space. In most cases physicists have been succesful in hiding these central extensions by using larger symmetry groups"


Explanations in this section should contain no formulas, but instead colloquial things like you would hear them during a coffee break or at a cocktail party.


The central extension $\hat G$ of a given group $G$ by an abelian group $A$ is defined as a group such that $A$ is a subgroup of the center of $\hat G$ and that the quotient $\hat G/A = G$.

  • See page 178 in Moonshine beyond the Monster by Terry Gannon


The motto in this section is: the higher the level of abstraction, the better.


Galilean group -> Bargmann group
The classical Galilean group needs to be extended by the introduction of a central charge, called mass, and this yields the Bargmann group. (This is shown very nicely in QUANTIZATION ON A LIE GROUP: HIGHER-ORDER POLARIZATIONS by V. Aldaya, J. Guerrero and G. Marmo).
SO(3) -> SU(2)
The standard spatial rotation group $SO(3)$ needs to be extended by $\mathbb{Z}_2$, which yields $SU(2)$, because otherwise we are not able to describe spin $\frac{1}{2}$ particles.
Mickelsson-Faddeev algebra
The algebra of fermionic non-Abelian charge densitites needs to be extended to the Mickelsson-Faddeev algebra (See this answer)



advanced_tools/group_theory/central_extension.txt · Last modified: 2017/12/17 12:26 by jakobadmin