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advanced_tools:category_theory:monoids [2017/11/10 09:41]
jakobadmin [Student]
advanced_tools:category_theory:monoids [2017/11/10 09:41]
jakobadmin [Student]
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 <tabbox Student> ​ <tabbox Student> ​
-<​blockquote>​what is a category with one object? It is a "​monoid"​. The usual definition of a monoid is this: a set M with an associative binary product and a unit element 1 such that a1 = 1a = a for all a in S. +<​blockquote>​what is a category with one object? It is a "​monoid"​. The usual definition of a monoid is this: a set M with an associative binary product and a unit element 1 such that a1 = 1a = a for all a in S. [...]
 We tend to think of this ability to "​undo"​ any process as a key aspect of symmetry. I.e., if we rotate a beer bottle, we can rotate it back so it was just as it was before. We don't tend to think of SMASHING the beer bottle as a symmetry, because it can't be undone. But while processes that can be undone are especially interesting,​ it's also nice to consider other ones... so for a full understanding of symmetry we should really study monoids as well as groups. We tend to think of this ability to "​undo"​ any process as a key aspect of symmetry. I.e., if we rotate a beer bottle, we can rotate it back so it was just as it was before. We don't tend to think of SMASHING the beer bottle as a symmetry, because it can't be undone. But while processes that can be undone are especially interesting,​ it's also nice to consider other ones... so for a full understanding of symmetry we should really study monoids as well as groups.
advanced_tools/category_theory/monoids.txt ยท Last modified: 2017/11/10 10:43 by jakobadmin