====== SO(2) ====== The Lie group $SO(2)$ describes all possible 2D rotations. The group is one dimensional, that is, it has only one parameter: the rotation angle. The group $SO(2)$ is isomorphic to $U(1)$. **Representations** The diagram below shows the (2-dimensional) defining representation of $SO(2)$ in its upper branch and a 4-dimensional, reducible representation of the same group in the lower branch. For a more detailed explanation of this diagram and representations of other Lie groups see [[https://esackinger.wordpress.com/rotation-in-2-dimensions-and-electromagnetism/#so2|Fun with Symmetry]]. [{{ :advanced_tools:group_theory:representation_theory:so2_2d_4d_reps.jpg?nolink }}] The motto in this section is: //the higher the level of abstraction, the better//. /**/ /**/